Fyodor Lukich Degtyarev
SUCCI President,
Chairman of the Ural Federal District Chambers of Commerce and Trade Association
The main objective of the South Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union, as a non-state non-profit organization, is to create favorable conditions for the development of free entrepreneurship, creation of business infrastructure in compliance with the current law and international commercial traditions, rules and regulations.
South Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry:
- was created for the purpose of promotion of South Urals economic development, its integration into Russian and world economic systems, establishment of the up-to-date industrial, financial and trade infrastructure
- combines all business areas of South Urals
- provides assistance to enterprises and entrepreneurs, represents and protects their interests in issues concerning business activity, including foreign economic activity
- organizes interaction between entrepreneurs, their cooperation with the government in the name of its agencies, as well as with social partners
- encourages development of educational and personnel training systems for entrepreneurial activities, participates in development and implementation of state programs in this field
- renders information services for entrepreneurs, their unions, societies, associations, provides assistance in business informational support
- encourages development of export of goods and services, assists in operations in the foreign market, and development of new forms of trade-economic and research-and-technology cooperation
- takes steps, within the entitled rights, to prohibit and suppress unfair competition and non-business partnership
- provides assistance in settlement of disputes arising between enterprises and entrepreneurs